今思え ば、そこに掲載されている繊細な絵に心惹かれていた気がします。
生物学者ではなく絵描きになった大人の私を、少女の頃の私が見たら何と言うでしょう。とはいえ、作家に なる前の人生が作品には色濃く表れており、やはり一つの道となって続いていることは確かなようです。
I have decided to open my own website in the hope that more people will be able to see my work.
When I was a child, I loved all kinds of living things, and I used to annoy my parents by carrying an illustrated animal book with me to read to them every night. Now that I think about it, I think I was fascinated by the delicate pictures in the books.
I wonder what the young girl I was would say if she saw me as an adult, a painter instead of a biologist. Nevertheless, my life before I became an artist is still evident in my work, and I am sure that it continues as a path.
I hope that everyone who visits here will enjoy my world of art.
Akiko Yamaguchi